Regional Transportation Plan

Draft Regional Transportation Plan Goals, Policies and Objectives



Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan (2045) Update

Interested in helping to shape the future of transportation in Nevada County?
Please join us on Monday, April 10 at 6:30 p.m. for a Public Virtual Workshop to learn about the update of the Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan and how you can help shape the vision for the long-range regional transportation system in Nevada County.
How to register for the Workshop:
To register for the workshop and access general information about the update please visit the 2045 Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan Update project website at:
RTP Public Workshop April 10


When it comes to transportation investments, what do YOU think should be the region’s priorities over the next 25-30 years?
Do you know what projects have been proposed by your local City and the County? Well now is your chance to find out and share your ideas.
Visit to show us exactly what you hope to see and where you want to see it!  
Examples of improvements could include:
  • Roadway or intersection improvements.
  • Providing sidewalks where they don’t currently exist.
  • Creating or connecting bike paths.
  • Finding solutions for traffic jams to improve travel time.
  • Improvements needed for bus service.
  • Bridge repairs. 
Through our interactive mapping tool, you can move around Nevada County and leave any feedback, comments, ideas, or suggestions:
  • Let us know what you like 
  • Project Suggestions 
  • Safety Concerns​
Click on the link below to get started! 
Once on the site you can drop a comment on our interactive map - just like on Google. You can zoom in to specific intersections, crosswalks, businesses and more to make your comment.  We can take those comments and use them to help craft a list of priority projects. Those projects will become part of our Regional Transportation Plan - basically a roadmap of all the proposed and planned investments local agencies plan to make through 2045.
We hope you will add your voice and share this information with friends, family, colleagues and others who are interested in improving all modes of Transportation in Nevada County.
If you have questions or need more information, call 916-803-6112 or send an email to
Thanks in advance for your valuable input.

Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan (2045) Update

With the new focus on transportation planning brought about by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) an emphasis has been placed on the development and implementation of a performance management approach to transportation planning and programming that supports the achievement of multimodal transportation system performance outcomes.  A key focus of the RTP update is to analyze progress towards achieving previous performance measures.  The update is also intended to create a better alignment with state transportation policy guidance such as the Caltrans’ California Transportation Plan 2050 and the California State Transportation Agency’s Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI).

Project Schedule
Project Data Collection, Analysis, and Outreach
August 2022-Jan 2023
Admin. Draft Report & Draft EIR to PAC for Review & Comment
Nov-Dec 2023
Final Draft Reports Delivered to NCTC Staff
January 2024
Present Draft RTP & EIR to the Transportation Commission
January 2024
Final RTP and EIR Delivered to NCTC staff
February 2024
Present Final RTP and EIR to the Transportation Commission
March 2024
Project Complete
March 2024
Transportation Stakeholder and Interested Individuals:
Interested in helping to shape the future of transportation in Nevada County?
Please join us on Thursday, March 16th at 6:30 p.m. for the upcoming Eastern Nevada County focused virtual workshop to learn more about the update of the Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan and how you can help shape the vision for the long-range regional transportation system in Nevada County. 
How to register for the Workshop:
To register for the Eastern County workshop and access general information about the update please visit the 2045 Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan Update project website at: 
Hope to see you there.
NCTC RTP Virtual Workshop – Eastern Nevada County


2016 Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan

The purpose of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is to establish transportation policy and to document the short-term (2015-2025) and long-term (2025-2035) regional transportation needs covering the RTP horizon and to set forth an effective, cost-feasible Action Plan to meet these needs.

A key focus of the 2016 RTP is to transform the document to a performance-based planning approach that will bring a more systematic method of using information on transportation system performance.  This approach will assist NCTC in developing investment priorities and will guide outcomes for the transportation plan and related planning documents.  The update is also intended to create a better alignment of performance monitoring and transportation planning between state agencies, NCTC, and its regional partners.  Fehr & Peers is the consultant conducting the work.  Public outreach events were held in August 2015 in Grass Valley, Nevada City, and the Town of Truckee to gather input from the community. 

The Draft Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) has been prepared by Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants and was made available for a 30-day public review period running from May 19, 2017 through June 19, 2017. Comments received on the draft have been addressed and incorporated into the final report.
A hard copy of the Draft Nevada County RTP is available for review at the following locations:
  • Madelyn Helling Library, 980 Helling Way, Nevada City, CA 95959
  • Grass Valley Library Royce Branch, 207 Mill Street, Grass Valley, CA 95945
  • NCTC, 101 Providence Mine Road, Suite 102, Nevada City, CA 95959
  • Truckee Library, 10031 Levone Avenue, Truckee, CA 96161
A supplement to the previously certified Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.  The Draft Supplemental Program EIR was available for a 45-day public review period between Monday August 7, 2017 and Wednesday September 20, 2017.
NCTC staff presented the Final Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan and Final Supplemental Program EIR to the Commission for adoption at their November 15, 2017 meeting.

A PowerPoint presentation was given by Rod Brown of Fehr & Peers at the May 17, 2017 NCTC Meeting:


The following report, "Performance Matters," was presented to the NCTC by Fehr & Peers at the September 16, 2015 Commission meeting:

"Performance Matters" - A look at Performance Measurement and its role in the Nevada County RTP Update

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2010 Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan

The Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) adopted the 2010 Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) on July 20, 2011.  The 2010 RTP documents the short-term (2010-2020) and long-term (2020-2030) regional transportation policy direction, multi-modal regional transportation needs, and sets forth a financially constrained action plan to meet those needs.  The RTP includes the projects that are reasonably anticipated to be funded within the plan's fiscal constraints.  The RTP also identifies projects that can be implemented if additional funds become available.

To qualify for funding in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), projects included in a Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) or Caltrans Interregional Transportation Improvement Program (ITIP) must be consistent with adopted RTPs.

For the 2010 Nevada County RTP update, NCTC contracted with De Novo Planning Group to prepare a Program Level Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR).  An Environmental Impact Report is an informational document that informs public agency decision makers and the general public of the potential significant environmental impacts of a proposed project, to identify possible means to minimize significant effects, and to describe reasonable alternatives to the project.  Because the RTP is a program level planning document containing general policies, guidelines, and lists of proposed projects for which specific design details have not yet been completed, the object of the environmental analysis in this Program Level SEIR is to provide a general overview of the potential impacts of the recommended RTP improvements.  Analysis of site-specific environmental impacts of transportation improvement projects will be the responsibility of the lead agency implementing the project and identified in the project level environmental documentation.

Final 2010 Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan
Final 2010 RTP Appendix

Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR)
Findings for NV County 2010 RTP Under CEQA

If you wish to view hard copies of the reports at the NCTC office, please call in advance (530) 265-3202 to set up a time to view the report.